Can Transplanted Hair Fall Out After Years? - An Expert's Perspective

The short answer is yes: you may experience hair loss after a hair transplant. This shedding is generally due to one of two hair loss conditions and can be temporary or a more permanent condition. It's important to understand that two to eight weeks after surgery, the transplanted hair will fall out. By the third month, your hair may look thinner than before the transplant.

Once the hair transplant has completely healed, you'll start to see the follicles in your own hair begin to appear. Whether your hair loss is due to a health problem or a pattern of baldness, there are steps you can take to protect the hair you have. Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a popular technique that uses small punctures to transplant follicles from all over the head to areas where the hair is weakened or bald. Hair transplant surgery allows the surgeon to move healthy hair from the scalp to areas with fine hair. A hair transplant procedure involves the individual movement and placement of genetically resistant hairs from the donor area (located on the back of the head) to the areas where the scalp is losing hair.

Hair grows in staggered cycles and hair follicles will be in one of these three stages of natural growth at any given time. After grafting hair follicles into areas where hair is weakening, it takes some time for the skin to heal. You may need to rule out these external factors before you are considered a candidate for a hair transplant. The reductions in the density of the transplanted hair were subjectively observed by the study group, as well as by an observer who evaluated hair loss. At the end of four years of follow-up after surgery, only 8.92% of subjects had maintained the same density of transplanted hair, and the rest (91.08%) had several degrees of reduction in density.

It's important to remember that “shock loss” is a normal part of the hair restoration process and is not indicative of any permanent damage to the hair; while it's inevitable, it's also temporary. Modern techniques such as FUE no longer cause pain or leave visible scars. It's important to note that shedding after a hair transplant is normal and is how your body responds to trauma it received during the procedure. For these reasons, people who have already experienced significant thinning of their scalp hair are typical candidates for a hair transplant. Many clinics also perform hair transplants and can tell you if you're a good candidate for a procedure.

Telogen phase: In this phase of the cycle, your hair sheds and your follicle remains inactive for 1-4 months before new locks of hair begin to emerge from your follicle. If you're considering a hair transplant, it's important to understand that there are risks associated with any surgical procedure. The most common side effects include swelling, redness, itching, and infection at the site of incision. It's also possible that some hairs may not take root in their new location or that some hairs may fall out after they have been transplanted. It's important to consult with an experienced surgeon before undergoing any type of hair transplant. A qualified surgeon will be able to assess your individual situation and determine if you are a good candidate for this type of procedure.

They will also be able to provide you with information about potential risks and side effects associated with this type of surgery.

Olivia Lavoie
Olivia Lavoie

Subtly charming beer fanatic. Amateur food buff. Wannabe twitter trailblazer. Amateur pizza trailblazer. Proud social media ninja. Avid social media fanatic.

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